0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Ac Dc — Squealer (ver 2) bass tabs

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Riff 1:
Riff 2:

It's these two riffs through out the song.
Tell me if you think it's wrong. Thanks!
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Ac Dc - Squealer (ver 2) Bass Tab

Other versions of Squealer


Shouldn't riff 1 be played on the A string? At @ 1 minute the bass line goes down to riff 2.Riff 2 is played twice and then back to riff 1.Listen for changes they are easy to hear.Sounds like near 3:15 minutes the bass plays riff 1 and then drops to F(top string 1st fret) then up to G(top string 3rd fret) and back to riff 1 a couple times.
p.s.- I do not look like the douche bag pictured next to my user id!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He appears to be a brown haired Justin Bieber with a large recently festering herpes sore below his left lower lip. I am not a poofter(Aussies know what I mean) and don't have herpes. Plz use better stock pics BigBassTabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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