Antithetic to the Cure
Not On an Album
You can download this song at their websiteAnti—
Song is played in regular Anti—Flag tuning— half a step down
Intro 4x 0:03—0:17
Verse 4x 0:18—0:32
Pre—Chorus(1) 2x 0:33—0:36
Chorus 2x 0:37—0:43
Intro 2x 0:44—0:51
Verse 4x 0:51—1:05
Pre—chorus(2) 1:06—1:09
Chorus 4x 1:10—1:24
Intro 2x 1:25—1:32
Bridge(1) 1:33
|—0(let ring)———
Bridge(2) x4 1:40—1:48
Intro x3 1:49—1:59
Outro 2:00—2:04
Contact Me———>[email protected]
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