0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Bush — Glycerine bass tabs

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From [email protected] Aug 17 09:13:07 1995
Date: Thu, 17 Aug 1995 09:08:54 —0400
From: The O'Neal family
To: [email protected]
Subject: Glycerine Bass Tab
Song: Glycerine
Group: Bush
From:[email protected]
Transcribed by: Roger N. O'Neal
This is a great song by the one and only: Bush
The bass really dosen't come until later in the song. There is also alot of
finger muting too. If you play along with the song, you'l know when to
finger mute, change cords and so on. If you know how to play: When I Come
Around, this song should eb very easy. But any way, here is Glycerine.
F C D Eb
G |———| |———| |———| |———|
D |———| |———| |———| |———|
A |———| |—3—| |—5—| |—1—|
E |—1—| |———| |———| |———|
F C Eb
G |———| |———| |———|
D |———| |———| |———|
A |———| |—3—| |—1—|
E |—1—| |———| |———|
The chours is play around when Gavin sings "Glycerine"
Note: I can't figure out the bridge, but what I have typed here basically
all of the song.
That's all I know so have fun
Roger N. O'Neal
The O'Neal Family [email protected]
I want a Slurpee Damnit!!!!!!!! Citrus Heights, CA
Tablature player for this song:
Bush - Glycerine Bass Tab

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