Dr.Acula — Shocker on Shock Street
Album — Below Me
Drop D Tuning
Intro X2 (F*ck You!!!)
G —————————————————————————
D —————————————————————————
A —————————————————————————
D —1/3/5/7——1/3/5/7————————
(Bree, Bree, Bree, Bree)
G —————————————————————————
D —————————————————————————
A —————————————————————————
D —0—000—0—000—0—000—0—000—
Verse X2 (How many times do we have to break it down!, Break it down)
G ——————————————————
D ——————————————————
A ——————————————————
D —0—0—00—0—0—0—111—
Verse 2 (f*ck all of your tough guy B*llsh*t....)
G —————| |
D —————| |
A —————|X8|
D —75——| |
Verse 3 (F*ck your Ego, F*ck your Scene, All Your Shorts are Brown and Green)
G ———————————————————| |
D ———————————————————| |
A ———————————————————|X2|
D —1110/11/1211/12———| |
G ———————————————————
D ———————————————————
A ———————————————————
D —4313—431—4313—431—
Verse 4 (Now let me see you F*cking Dance, Breee!!)
G —————————
D —————————
A —————————
D —431—430—
Breakdown (Come on Tough Guys!)
G —————————————————————————
D —————————————————————————
A —————————————————————————
D ——0——0——0————0—0—000—00——
Breakdown (Come on Tough Guys!!) (Yeah!!)
G —————————————————————————————| |
D —————————————————————————————| |
A —————————————————————————————|X4|
D ——0—0—000—0——2—1—3—2—4—3—5—4—| |
Ending Part/Fast Part
G ————————————————————————————————————| |
D ————————————————————————————————————| |
A —55555——————————55555———————————————|x2|
D ———————55555555———————55555555——————| |
G ————————————————————————————|
D ————————————————————————————|
A ——————————6666655555————————|
D ———555555————————————444444—|
If it looks confusing, just listen to the song and you'll figure it out. :D
If you've got any suggestions, email me at
[email protected]
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