0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Earthtone9 — Grind & Click bass tabs

As recorded by Earthtone9
(From the 1998 LP recording OFF KILTER ENHANCEMENT)

Words by Karl Middleton Music by Earthtone9

Transcribed by Redmercurygods

M.M. = 160










h = hammer—on; p = pull—off; b = bend; r = bend release; / = slide up/down; |5]
= nat. harmonic; = art. harmonic; ~ = vibrato; tr = trill; T = tap; TP =
trem. picking; PM = palm muting; | = bar; || = double bar; ||o = repeat start;
*|| = repeat end; *| = double bar (end); : = bar (freetime); d = tremolo bar
dive; u = tremolo bar up; = = hold (bend or tremolo bar)

Tablature player for this song:
Earthtone9 - Grind & Click Bass Tab


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