QuaHogs Anyone Part II
(Linus & Lucy, Count Zero, Sexually Active, Country Music)
——' `———' `———' `———'
——' `———' `———' `———'
——' `———' `———' `———'
——' `———' Slap:
B(3:00) v 2nd Time
C (3:47)
Here's part two of the Stu Hamm solo from "The Urge". Part one
should have knocked your tapping into shape. It provides a good warm
up for this second part. This jumps about a lot more, running
through four major themes from the back catalougue with a wider
range of techniques. The tab here will take you up to the pause at
4:30. This is an odd place to stop but it's kinda fortunate — by
that time Stu's realy burnin' and I'm gonna need some time to figure
the next bit out!
1. Section A is the famous Linus & Lucy theme. I've recycled
Webb's version here to save me the typing.
In many respects this is a simple theme, but it requires LOTS of
coordination. The left hand stretch is tough too (return to part one
and practise those ninths!).
2. The fill three bars before B simply defeats me! If anyone
has any ideas I'd love to hear them, but for now I've had to miss it
out. I figured it was better to post what I had than wait three
years while I get good enough to work it out. (The fill in bar 8 of
section B is also a little dodgy any comments welcome).
3. Count Zero (section B) will take a bit of work if you
haven't played what Stu calls "flamenco sweeps" before. They're not
too difficult, and form the basis of this great riff. The top two
strings are pop'ed with the index and middle fingers. Get in
position for these before slapping the bottom E, and then roll the
wrist to effect the pops. Finish of the motion by hitting the bottom
E again.
4. Section C is pretty simple — The E string is played with
the left hand, while the other strings are tapped by the right.
5. Finaly we reach the closing theme — "Country Music(A
_Bass_Solo_ from Hell)"(sic). This has some realy wild bits, but
fortunatly there's a break before we reach those so I can put them
of to another day. What we do have here is the basic concept. Left
hand hammers on a bass line while the right taps out chords. The
only slightly tricky bit is the run which should be slapped to get a
good sound.
So there it is! Let me know how you get on with this. Any comments
would be greatly appreciated . It
takes time to type this stuff in, so the more feedback I get, the
more I'm likely to post new tab.
As I've commented previously I also think that if you use this tab
(print it out, and spend more than 10 minutes looking at it) then
you should feel obliged to post some of your own tab — it's not that
difficult, it doesn't have to be anything overly chalenging, and
it'll do you good to work stuff out for yourself!
Ian Stephenson
[email protected]
Taken from bigbasstabs.com —
Bass tablature (tabs) is an easy way to learn songs without needing to read traditional sheet music. Here’s a quick guide to understanding the symbols and techniques commonly found in tabs:
Each line in a tab represents a string on your bass:
Numbers on the lines indicate which fret to press. For example:
This means you play the 3rd fret on the A string.
Play the first note by picking it, then press down on a higher fret with another finger without picking again.
Pluck a note and then "pull off" your finger to let a lower fret ring.
Move your finger up (/) or down (\) the fretboard while maintaining pressure.
Tabs don’t always indicate timing, so listen to the song while reading the tab. Wider spaces between numbers mean longer pauses, while closer numbers indicate quicker notes.
Tabs are a great tool to learn songs, but mastering the techniques takes practice. Listen carefully to the original track and play along to lock in the rhythm. Don’t rush — smooth, accurate playing is more important than speed. Happy jamming! 🎸
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