Song: Hate To Say I Told You So
Band: The Hives
Album: Veni Vidi Vicious
Tabbed by: Neil Coons ([email protected])
The person who tabbed this before had no idea what they were doing. In the
video for "Hate To Say I Told You So", you can see that the bassist is
playing low on the bottom string and the number of notes are fast and
constant throughout the line. The main line is:
If you play it with the tone all the way up, and a very faint amount of
distortion, it'll sound exactly like the video. The biggest key is hitting
the "E" string when you're swtiching from note to note.
There are other parts to the song, but all you do is hammer on the "G" or
"D" strings over and over. Listen to the song to get it right. It's an easy
song and it's fun to play.
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