Downloaded from WWW.KORNWEB.COM
Swallow — Bass Tab
1 Transcriptions
* see text below
G ||—————————————————||——————————————————————————————3h4h5———————||——————————
D ||—————————————————||————————————————————————6—4—————————4h5h6—||——————————
A ||—————————————————||————————————————————————————6—————————————||——————————
D ||—————————————————||—5————————4———————————————————————————————||——————————
A ||—2—————————2———2—||——————————————————3———————————————————————||——————————
** see text below
* This part has many variations that aren't included.
You can put any fill you like in here though.
** This part is the end of the song which also has many
variations that aren't included.
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