Artist: Limp Bizkit
Song: Getcha Groove On
Album: chocolate starfish and the hot dog flavored water
A tab by Tic Tac
@ = [email protected]
This is no hard Song 2 play and I
dont think any one will be excited 2 play
it...But any way
P.s Use some Effekts that sound Right!
Do fell free to upgrade this tab
Riff #1
G |——————————————————————————————————————
D |——————————————————————————————————————
A |——55————————55———————55———————55———————
E |———————5—4——————5—4——————5—4——————5———
Riff #2
G |—————————————————————————————————————
D |——44———————44———————44———————44——————
A |——————4—3——————4—3——————4—3——————4———
E |—————————————————————————————————————
Their is only this 2 Riffs
So you have to vary them
2: let the note ring
~2 Vibrate the note
3 Vibrate the note up and down
2/~ Vibrate the note when pulling it up or down
/ Pull it up or down
3h4 Hammer on from note 3 too 4
5p4 Pull off from note 5 too 4
s Slap Note
p Pop note
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