0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Mario Brother Song — Super Mario Bros bass tabs

Super Mario Bros. (NES) "Overworld"

Originally composed by: Koji Kondo Copyright © Nintendo
Tabbed for guitar by Deezer — [email protected] http://www.kontek.net/vgjam/
Transcribed to bass by Kiel [email protected]
Symbols used: x2 = Play this section 2 times. * = Special directions follow.

Standard tuning — EADG

Riff I

Riff II
|——————————————————9—12—15—10—12—9—————————| X2

Riff III X2

Riff IV * (see bottom of file)

Riff I

Riff II X2

Riff V

Riff V cont.


Riff IV

Riff I

Riff V

Riff II X2

Riff III X2

* * (see bottom of file)

* Continue here from "**" with faster tempo.
** If you started with 400 seconds on the timer, you'll have 100 seconds remaining at
point. The game plays some riff for 6 game seconds, then it continues on with the
sped up considerably. At the second 10 it goes to that other riff.

Riff II(the 9—12—15—10—12—9) can be a little hard. If you want it can be played


If any part is hard it can be played up a string( 1=G, 2=D, 3=A, and 4=E),and up
five frets.
For Example:

—9—12—15—10—12—9 ————12—15—————————
———————————————— Could be played —14———————15—17—14
———————————————— ——————————————————
———————————————— ——————————————————

This goes as close to the margins as my computer would let we.
Top: .25
Bottom: .46
Left and Right: .25

Tablature player for this song:
Mario Brother Song - Super Mario Bros Bass Tab


9 years, 8 months ago
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can any one help me with riff 3

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