Placebo — "The Crawl"
Tuning: 1/2 step up
This is definently one of my favorite Placebo songs, and i was shocked that
there were no tabs for it anywhere on the internet. so it took me a very long
time, but i finally tabbed it out myself. im pretty confident that it is completly
correct, but there may be certain accents or something that i may have missed.
this is my first tab, so i hope its okay.
Riff #1
The main riff that is played throughout the song.
Riff #2
This is the filler type riff that is played as a transition to the chorus
Riff #3
This is played right after the filler (riff #2)
Riff #4
Riff #1—3x
Riff #2—1x
Riff #3—2x
Riff #4—1x
Riff #1—1x
Riff #2—1x
Riff #3—2x
Riff #4—1x
Riff #1—1x
Riff #2—1x
Riff #3—2x
Riff #4—2x
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