Title: Grain Of Salt
Artist: Poison The Well
Tabbed by: Bryan Jarvinen
E—mail: [email protected]
Tuning: DGCF (D standard, full step down)
Some of these notes may be wrong, but it's not
exactly the easiest song to figure out by ear.
Intro/Verse/Part 1:
There may be some other notes in there, but
this is the best I could do for the time being.
Next Part (2):
Part After That (3):
Part After That (4):
Hard pattern to tab out, buts its just this note.
Follow the guitar.
Part After That (5):
Just the progression of the notes, play however.
Then go back to Part 3
Then go back to Part 2
This may not be 100% correct, but you can figure
out what is wrong on here and figure out what is
right... I put the parts in order, I think...
E—mail me with questions, comments, corrections,
etc. Enjoy.
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