this song is really easy to play, provided you can slap ok. i haven't bothered to figure
out the fills and crap though, i think its better to make up your own. you can also figure
out the timing from the CD. i can't be ***ed showing it
G: ———————————————————————————0—
D: ——————2——2—2———2—2———————x———
A: —————————————————————————————
E: 12—0———x—x—3—x—x—3——3——x—x—3
bridge/guitar solo
G: —————————————————————————
D: ————————————————7h9p7————
A: —————————————————————9———
E: 7—5—7——8—7—5—7————————8——
G: ——————————————————————————
D: ———————————————9—7———7—12~
A: ———————————————————9——————
E: 7—5—7——8—7—5—7————————————
+ this part at the very end of the song
G: ——————————————————————————————————
D: 9—7———7—12~———12—9—7—9—14~————————
A: ————9—————————————————————————————
E: —————————————————————————————7—5—7
legend (for all those confused individuals out there):
h= hammer—on
p= pull—off
~= vibrato
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