Title: Tommy The Cat
Artist: Primus
Album: Sailing the Seas of Cheese
Words: Les Claypool
Music: Primus
Copyright: Primus
Tabber: Tomoose
Lesson this is based on: Keplaffintech
Tempo = 130
Electric Bass
x — dead note
h — hammer on/pull off
M — palm mute
. — staccato
P — popping (bass)
S — slapping (bass)
v — brush up
^ — brush down
^ v S S S P S P S S P S S P
G |——4——4——————————————————————————————————————————————||
D |——2——2——————————————3h—5—————5————————5————————0————||
A |————————————————————————————————————————————————————||
E |————————0h—3——x——x————————4—————3——3—————x——x———————||
This is only the main riff, tabbed from the excellent tutorial here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XCc—qsxdTe4
The main reason the other tabs are wrong is the minor error at the chord at the
beginning, but I slowed down the recent video of Les playing this on Jimmy Kennel
live and this is definetly the way he plays it, looking at his hands. The rest of the
riff seems to be better than other tabs, with less muted notes, and sounds perfect
when played at the right speed.
The BPM for this song is given by my program at about 129.6 BPM, but guitarpro can
only do whole numbers, so I rounded it up.
Enjoy :)
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