0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Seger Bob — Sunspot Baby bass tabs


Basstab by Jan Bjorklund, Finland;
[email protected]
You are welcome to request for basstabs!
Bienvenidos a pedirme transcripciones para el bajo!
Be sure to use a monospaced font!

TablEdited by Jan Bjorklund for Josh
Tuning : E A D G Time Signature: 4/4

|tempo 118 | | | | | |
|———————————————————Intro 23 bars without bass————————————————————|

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|————————————————————————————2———|——————— and so on ... ——————|

Transcribe! 6.0 transcription http://www.seventhstring.demon.co.uk/
Created with TablEdit http://www.tabledit.com/

Taken from bigbasstabs.com —
Tablature player for this song:
Seger Bob - Sunspot Baby Bass Tab


4 months, 2 weeks ago
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There is more to this song than what is shown above. Granted, some of it is just minor variations but there are spots where the bass comes through with its own “leads” and that is nowhere to be found here.

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