every other tab i've seen of this song is wrong. so i tabbed it
myself. I know it looks weird but play along with the song and
you'll see that its perfect.
standard tuning (EADG)
* means let the note ring
verse part 1
verse part 2
Chorus part 1
|———————————————————————————| (this part is kinda weird. the bass line pretty much
|———————————————————————————| follows his vocals so listen to the song and you'll
|4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4—4| figure it out)
Chorus part 2
verse part 1— x1
verse part 2— x1
chorus (parts 1 & 2)— x3
chorus part 1— x1
verse part 1— x2
chorus (parts 1 & 2)— x3
chorus part 1 (extended—listen to the song, it just lasts a little
longer)— x1
verse part 1— x7
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