0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Theme Songs — Danny Phantom bass tabs

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|—————————————————————————————| x2

(Yo Danny Phatom was just...)
|—————————————————————————————| x4

(When he first woke up...)
|————————————| x7

(He's gonna catch 'em all cause...)
these are 11s not 1s so its 3 groups of 6 11s.
Tablature player for this song:
Theme Songs - Danny Phantom Bass Tab


7 years, 6 months ago
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Hey man pretty solid. I can't figure out the tuning you used if it is sorta a half step higher in spots. Most useful tab I've found so far for this.
This is so wrong:
Firstly, the lowest note is played first, not the second lowest.
Secondly,the notes are totally wrong. It is Bb,C,and Eb (M2,m3); not C,Db,and E (m2,m3).
Thirdly,the rhythm is not phrased correctly. It's four 16ths, a dotted 8th, a 16th, an 8ths and two 16ths, two eights, four 16ths, a dotted 8th and a 16th, and ending on a quarter note being the lowest note cut short.
I'm going to post a correct version on musescore

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