0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Theme Songs — Tetris bass tabs

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Tetris Theme

Uploaded by [email protected]

The other versions here just didn't do it for me so heres the right way. Enjoy!

G 0——————————————————0———————————————0————————|
D ——0—1—3——1—0—————1—————3—1—0——1—3—————1—————|
A —————————————3—3————————————————————————3—3—|
E ————————————————————————————————————————————|

G ———1——5—3—1—0—————0————————————————0————————|
D 3———————————————1———3——1——0—0—1—3————1——————|
A ———————————————————————————————————————3—3——|
E ————————————————————————————————————————————|

G 0————————————————————0——————————————5—5—4————|
D ——1——3——0——1————————————1——3——0——1—5—————————|
A ———————————————3——2——————————————————————————|
E —————————————————————————————————————————————|

Repeat forever or until the game ends.

Well thats my contribution, have fun being cool by playing guitar and geeky
by using it to play the tetris theme.
Tablature player for this song:
Theme Songs - Tetris  Bass Tab

Other versions of Tetris


you missed a note after 3-2 on A string it should be 5 so 3-2–5
1 year, 9 months ago
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you missed a note after 3-2 on A string it should be 5 so 3-2–5
Can also play 0 on the D string. whether it's easier or sounds better is subjective.

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