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Speed/Thrash metal recommendations?

Posts: 1594
11 years ago
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Looking for some speed/thrash metal songs that aren't too difficult to play and sing at the same time. Something like World Painted Blood and Disciple by Slayer.
domination by pantera
most megadeath songs tho its metal not thrash
Posts: 1594
Megadeth is so thrash!!! What the hell. 13 was definitely thrash and all their early stuff was speed and thrash
Posts: 3146
I recommend that you avoid Speed/Thrash Metal like the plague
Posts: 1594
I'd rather not
Posts: 3146
What everrrrrr
Posts: 3146
Are you into Sepultura, Danzig and BioHazard and all that type of gubbins?
Posts: 1594
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
A lot of '90s Misfits stuff (Michael Graves era) leans much more toward thrash than punk. Check out their albums American Psycho and Famous Monsters.
Regular People (Conceit) by Pantera is a good one.

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