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Posts: 3145
11 years ago
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The 80s is well covered on this forum but I haven't seen any mention of Madness, some great bass work there from Mark Whatisname
Posts: 1103
That is madness. “Our House” was like an 80s anthem.

I am very disappointed in all of you.
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
That is madness. “Our House” was like an 80s anthem. I am very dissapointed in all of you.

Dude I wasnt even born at that time i was born in 93, forgive me if i had known any better of this good music mark. Im sorry im not up to date with the 80's, though tabbing some 80s songs had shed some light on how awesome those times where to be a bass player thats for sure.
Posts: 1103
Quote: That is madness. “Our House” was like an 80s anthem. I am very dissapointed in all of you. Dude I wasnt even born at that time i was born in 93, forgive me if i had known any better of this good music mark. Im sorry im not up to date with the 80's, though tabbing some 80s songs had shed some light on how awesome those times where to be a bass player thats for sure.
Hey I wasn't born in the 60s, but I know good music from then.

So what you're saying is I need to have a chat with your parents for why you weren't exposed to good music growing up. Don't worry Danny, it's not your fault.
Posts: 1103
Jesus, Marko…. you're worse at searching the site than I am!


edit: Nevermind… I realized you were referring to nobody bringing them up. Not that there weren't tabs for Madness songs.

My apologies.
Posts: 1499
Baggy Trousers!

Mark Bedford
DANNYBASSMAN93 [top submitter]
Posts: 510
Quote: Quote: That is madness. “Our House” was like an 80s anthem. I am very dissapointed in all of you. Dude I wasnt even born at that time i was born in 93, forgive me if i had known any better of this good music mark. Im sorry im not up to date with the 80's, though tabbing some 80s songs had shed some light on how awesome those times where to be a bass player thats for sure. Hey I wasn't born in the 60s, but I know good music from then.So what you're saying is I need to have a chat with your parents for why you weren't exposed to good music growing up. Don't worry Danny, it's not your fault.

I'm guessing detention for the week?
I'm not a huge Madness fan but what songs I do like, I REALLY LIKE!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
they're really cool, I like them
Posts: 3
I managed to catch Madness live last year and I have to be honest, they didn't do much for me. Now, if we are talking ska, I was at a gig by The Selecter last week and the bass blew me away! I'm not sure who the bassist was, but if they are playing near you, make a date to go see them

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