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80's Music
I might even be able to play Thirteen, perhaps with less than 3 or four mistakes! Thanks bassm99 for tabs that I can play!
Thanks Sid

I must apologize for submitting something so simple as Thirteen but I was struggling with another song & turned to this just as a break not realizing it was as easy as it turned out to be.
Thanks also to lovetheeighties & jt4ever for your positive words & praises. All very much appreciated.
I have to admit that when I hear a song where the bass line is simple enough to tab easily, I am much more inclined to tab it. I have tabbed a number of songs where I labored measure by measure, and by God I was glad when they were finally done!
An easy tab and an easily played song is just what's needed now and then!
Thirteen is so easy to play!

I have to admit it's not an obvious HL tune I would normally listen to.
I agree with your sentiments Sid

I'm not a very skilled bass player so anything as easy as Thirteen is very much welcome!
Thirteen is very simple but surprisingly fun to play. Never heard this instrumental before so a nice surprise. It's very different to their more commercial songs.
Check out bassm99's tab for Torture by Berlin, it's only 2 notes all the way through the song. Is there anything easier out there to play?
YES! Anything with just one note!

I have to admit that when I hear a song where the bass line is simple enough to tab easily, I am much more inclined to tab it. I have tabbed a number of songs where I labored measure by measure, and by God I was glad when they were finally done!An easy tab and an easily played song is just what's needed now and then!
I agree Sid, I tend to tab easier bass lines. I find complicated bass lines either too complicated or just too much work involved when tabbing it out. Some songs can have a basic structure of a bass pattern but have so many little variations, that can be quite exhausting.
Simple tabs like Thirteen are a nice distraction
Check out bassm99's tab for Torture by Berlin, it's only 2 notes all the way through the song. Is there anything easier out there to play?
I forgot about the Berlin tab. That makes Thirteen look complicated

It just had to be done & I don't regret it.
Regardless of how simple or complicated a tab may be, I'm very thankful to all of you that take the time to submit tabs, especially the 80's
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