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What inspired you to tab?

Posts: 135
11 years ago
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I was wondering what inspired all you tabbers out there? What's your motivation to continually provide us with such wonderful bass tabs? What's your story?
Posts: 1499

Tab the song for me and I'll give you …

I couldn't resist. He was an alter boy.
Posts: 1594
Well I don't tab because I enjoy it, I tab to get on the board. Lol I probably won't even submit tabs anymore because I rarely play bass now
Posts: 135
HAhahaha Sid! I was hoping for a bit more detail in your answer but your response was enjoyable all the same
Seems a shame you don't enjoy tabbing linkin.
Thank you both for your answers.
I was hoping LoudLon or bassm99 might chip in with a response.
Posts: 1594
Eh I enjoy it occasionally, just not when it takes 3 hours
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
No big revelations on my part; I figure if I'm going to sit down and learn a song note-by-note, I may as well write it down and share it with anyone else who might be interested in learning it. Besides, I enjoy tabbing. Breaking a song down into individual notes and cataloging them onto a specialized grid appeals to my analytical nature.

That last line may read like sarcasm, but it isn't. I'm very analytical. Often annoyingly so.
Posts: 135
I fully understand linkin. I look at certain tabs & the work that must have gone into them is truly mind boggling.

Thanks for the response Lon, it's a good honest answer. I like others on here are so pleased you still want to tab. It's also really good that you enjoy doing it & I don't read your last line as sarcasm. You are obviously an inteligent man & if you can please the analytical side of yourself then kudos to you
Posts: 125
This is a very good question & one that I'm finally getting round to answer.
My initial motivation to tab in the first place was last year, due to a lack of Soft Cell bass tabs available. I thought I would do 2 or 3 & that would be that. Once I did them I found I quite enjoyed it & thought I would carry on doing a few more.
My second goal was to tab Soft Cell's debut album (Say Hello Wave Goodbye was already tabbed by somebody else) which I eventually completed. My final goal of last year was to complete 50 tabs by the end of the year which I succeeded in doing.
I have not set myself any goals for this year like tabbing an album or reaching a target. I just tab when inspiration takes me which is usually over the weekend, that is when I have the time. It's been quite a while since I've tabbed any Soft Cell, but I have done quite a few already. There are lots of bands I like (mainly 80's) which I'd like to tab. I really enjoy tabbing bands that are not well represented that I think should be.
Most of the songs I tab are pretty simple, I leave all the complicated tabs to the better bass players & tabbers out there like Sid & Lon.
Like Lon, I quite enjoy breaking down a song & trying to work out all the bass notes. With the songs I tab I try to keep them pretty simple. I may not describe fully how to play certain notes but as long as the notes are tabbed out most users will be listening to the songs to follow my bass tabs.
I'm just happy that people are getting something out of them & are enjoying them.
Thank you to all of the positive feedback I receive, it's very much appreciated.
Posts: 180
well said Bassm99,
i also really relate to what you're saying Loud Lon.
i like tabing for a couple reasons, it's great ear training when trying to figure out a bassline in a song.
and i like helping people who are looking for certain songs to be tabbed.
i also think it's a great way to turn people on to new bands and concepts. (for those who are curious)
it's also a great feeling when you post a tab people really like/ really helps them in some way.
i also like doing it for “sex”…that might be the best part.
Posts: 624
I tab to learn and become a better bass player. it's fun hearing different sounds and notes and figuring them out. I enjoying tabbing and then playing my favourite songs. Plus if I can do it, I like to help others as well.

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