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Any horror fans?

Posts: 1594
10 years ago
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I never used to like real gory stuff, even though I watched Saw quite frequently, until I watched You're Next last Friday. That was nice and gory with a pretty decent plot. Just got done watching House of 1,000 Corpses and I was kind of disappointed. Great storyline though, continuing it with The Devil's Rejects tomorrow. I've been very surprised at how much I enjoy these new thrillers because most of the movies made anymore are horrible and totally cliche with horrible looking effects. This is what got me into these movies: large doses of Cannibal Corpse lol. The one movie I'm terrified of is Child's Play, damn I just can't do it. What's some of your favorite horror/thriller movies?
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
I am a huge horror fan, and I know that LoudLon is too. The first horror movie I watched was Nightmare on Elm Street. I was about 6 when I watched it, had nightmares for ages about it, but I guess that traumatic childhood event caused my affection for these movies

My favourite (and mostly because of the music) would be Candyman. I think Philip Glass is the author of the score and it sends shivers down my spine every time I hear it.

I really like the so-called hillbilly horror sub-genre. Movies like Hills have eyes, Wrong Turn, Texas Chainsaw massacre. I guess a House of 1,000 corpses could count as one. I also really liked the Devil's Rejects, and the one thing I liked about it is that it's a whole lot different than House of a 1000 corpses.

I'm really excited to hear what are Lon's favourites seeing as he's a mod on a horror movie forum.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Yup, I'm a massive, MASSIVE horror movie fan. As johnny pointed out I am indeed a mod on a horror movie forum (www.horror-movies.ca, pimp-pimp), but I've also written articles and essays on various horror films and horror directors, have had reviews quoted on DVD covers and bonus features, have contributed story material to a number of indie horror flicks, and I also write horror movie screenplays (actually I write all different genres, but my focus is horror).

As for my favorites, I literally have too many to name all of them so I'll give you a rough top 10 off the top of my head:

10. Evil Dead (1983)
9. Night of the Living Dead (1968 )
8. Day of the Dead (1985)
7. Re-Animator (1985)
6. Return of the Living Dead (1985)
5. Tenebre (1982)
4. The Exorcist (1973)
3. The Sentinel (1977)
2. Halloween (1978 )
1. Dawn of the Dead (1979)

Speaking of horror movies – and I hope I'm not overstepping any boundaries by pimping this – the website I mentioned above has a yearly Halloween Horror Movie Festival and any- and everyone is invited, be you a member of the site or not. If anyone's interested, PM me for details.

Link – The Devil's Rejects is a fantastic flick. It was so much better than House of 1,000 Corpses that I almost couldn't believe it was made by the same guy. I'm sure you'll dig it.

Oh, and Johnny, I'll do you one better: when A Nightmare on Elm Street came out in '84, I actually lived at 1732 Elm Street. Imagine being twelve years old and going to bed at night with that shit in your head LOL!
Posts: 330
Anybody recommend anything on a more psychological side? Stuff thats scary without someone mass murdering or gore(though some is fine)
Posts: 1594
Anybody recommend anything on a more psychological side? Stuff thats scary without someone mass murdering or gore(though some is fine)

I'd say Alfred Hitchcock is the master of this! Check out Psycho and I can't remember the title but it's about a nurse and a murderer.
Posts: 1594
I watched Nightmare On Elm Street when I was either 6 or 7 as well. I thought it was one of the funniest fuckin movies ever, especially when the guy gets pulled into his bed and his mom opens the door. The only part that scared me was after the movie, I had to feed the cats and their food bowls are right next to the basement door.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Lon your list is great! I've seen all of them except Tenebre and The Sentinel.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
btw link, if you watched elm street when you were very young, i'm pretty sure you won't have a problem with child's play. chucky's catchphrases are really funny!
Posts: 1594
Naw I have always tried to watch Chucky but I just can't
Posts: 1594
I've got The Devil's Rejects Unrated, better be good
Posts: 330
btw link, if you watched elm street when you were very young, i'm pretty sure you won't have a problem with child's play. chucky's catchphrases are really funny!
Personally, “Childs Play” was boring. (Like most slashers)

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