0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

Suggestions to improve the site

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
100 spammers banned?

I just got a chubby.
Posts: 26
Some way to change u name plz
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
So yesterday there's been lots of spam in private messages - I've since banned those spammers as well and temporarily disabled email messages that notify you of new messages until this clears up.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Aw, man. Nobody spammed my message box. I feel so left out now. It's like high school all over again.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
if u want less spammers create an email/mobile confirmation when creating an account and only 1 account per e-mail/phone#

Good ideas.

Bad username.

I'll give you a day to start a new user account, with a less inappropriate user name, before I ban this one.
Posts: 26
Please add autoscroll Johnny!!!!!
Posts: 534
You do realize just how complex implementing autoscroll is, don't you? Moving the page up isn't the only challenge.

  • How fast should it scroll? With no reference to the speed of the song or the timing in the tab it's a guess.
  • Adjusting to viewable screen size. Do you have 4: 3, 16:9, 15:7, or other ratio screen? Do you have a lot of menu bars? Are you zoomed in or out? That all tells you how much of the tab can appear on screen at a time, and not factoring that in will impact the accuracy of the scrolling.
  • What about tabs that aren't linear? When I have a section that repeats identically to one earlier in the song I just say “Repeat ______” instead of including it in full. Other tabbers will tab out sections/licks/riffs then give a format for playing the song out of those sections.

You'll get a lot more value out of something like this: https://www.amazon.com/LEKATO-Teleprompter-Controller-Rechargeable-Smartphones/dp/B08GYHWGYH/

That will let you page down/page up with a tap of your foot, for about the price of a set of strings.
Posts: 26
Does that work on mobile devices like iPads?

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