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- Suggestions to improve the site
Suggestions to improve the site
It might be nice to have the option to go back into a tab I supplied in case I wanted to edit it in some way.
Eventually, users will also need a way to change their password to a new one.
Yes, changing your password could prove helpful.
I think it would be helpful if we have video lessons, especially for us beginner-moderate level bassists, within the site.
Video lessons is an interesting idea.
hm, would you guys be interested in participating with the video lessons?
we can setup a system for sharing them, but we don't really have the time to film enough of them to make a difference. but if a big enough crowd is up for it we'll definitely give it a go.
guys. do you have like a facebook groups for bigbasstabs?
Perhaps links to lessons already on YouTube or somewhere, rather than re-invent the wheel yet again.
well even if we had our “own” lessons, they would basically just be links to youtube / vimeo clips users would make, but i'm not too sure about just taking a bunch of stuff from youtube and putting it here without the author's permission.
i think it would me much cooler if the more senior players here uploaded their old lessons or filmed new ones. you know, a community sort of thing.

i think with the number of users on this site, we could definitely make it work.
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