0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

I can't stand this excuse

Posts: 440
Learning how to tab songs has made me a better player. Not only understanding, but learning to play the song as accurately as possible. One can fudge his way through alot of music with a root note and some triads. It still takes a long time for me to tab, but I get a sense of accomplishment when its done. They may not be perfect, but if I'm going to spend the time to do it, I want to do it the best that I can.
Posts: 1594
Sounds like this boy could use all of the above.

Just stop with your shit. I'm sick of it
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Enough of the snide back and forth comments, folks. That goes for everybody. If you can't disagree respectfully, don't comment at all. We're here to have fun and rap about bass and music, not start shit with each other. Anyone has a problem with that, you can take it up with The Dude, Johnny or me.

That out of the way…

Learning how to tab songs has made me a better player. Not only understanding, but learning to play the song as accurately as possible. One can fudge his way through alot of music with a root note and some triads. It still takes a long time for me to tab, but I get a sense of accomplishment when its done. They may not be perfect, but if I'm going to spend the time to do it, I want to do it the best that I can.

I totally agree. Tabbing can only help; not only does it develop your ear but a lot of times – and this is my favorite thing about tabbing – you also realize a particular song is much more complex that you thought from having listened to it only casually before. In a way it's almost like discovering the whole time you've been standing over a buried treasure, y'know?
F6F Avila
Posts: 12
But is there any reason to learn how to read music?? like notes e.t.c??
Posts: 1594
But is there any reason to learn how to read music?? like notes e.t.c??

Yeah cause then you actually have a grasp of what you're playing.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
in my mind the difference is this - musical notation actually describes the music itself, while tabs show how to play it on a specific instrument (often without rhythm, only melody).

if you read musical notation for bass or guitar it's up to you to determine which string to fret as there are many options for each notes. but i've also seen musical notation with fingerings and stuff like that.
Posts: 3145
Can I just remind everybody, Paul MacArtney can't read a single note of music, I rest my case
Posts: 180
I get your point marko but his brain is wired differently then other people.
he has a gift most people aren't born with.
music doesn't come that naturally to some people., but that doesn't mean they can't play music.
some people like looking at music like it's a study.
I mean music is ablsolutly an art, but there is also a science to it.
i like to look at it both ways cuz my brain is attracted to both aspects.
does that make me a nerd, sure.
do i care, no.
understanding theory has helped my songwritting as well as my playing greatly.
it's also prevented me from gettin frustrated when i can't figure something out cuz i can quickly solve any problem i use to have.
but again this i just me.
every song writer has a method.
it's all about finding the method that works for you.
Posts: 440
But is there any reason to learn how to read music?? like notes e.t.c??
Learning how to read music is like learning a new language. Personally, I don't need to learn musical notes, but learning music theory, knowing what note your in. and learning the fretboard is important. If you plan any kind of career in music, you will want to learn how to read music. I should have stayed in music class.
Posts: 1594
I think you mean what key you're in. Not note

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