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Bands people never heard of?

Posts: 6
14 years ago
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Like the titles says, If you know a band that probably noone knows, post them here!
I'd like to hear new, awesome bands that needs to be heard through the world!

I got some;
I am so me - A swedish band, sings in English, they are more like pop/rock band with heavy guitars, they just released their debutalbum. Check them out on facebook;

Vapenbröder - Sings in Swedish, they are more like a swedish pop band. Even if you don't like pop, listen to them! They have only released a demo on their facebook.

Mimikry - Sorry, also a Swedish band that sings in swedish. They are a great swedish punkband.

Itchy Daze - In my opinion, the Best band from Sweden, and they don't sing in swedish I find it hard to put them in one genre, probably just me. They've released two albums, “Daze of our lives” and “Promise little, Ruin much”
Check them out on facebook;
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
sweden's got some pretty good bands
Posts: 6
I know, I just found a new swedish band,
Bursting Veins
They are more of a screamoband. Don't got much more info about them
Posts: 1
The Boyzz
Biker boogie rock from ‘78-’79
check 'em out on YouTube, look for the older stuff, like from the Cleveland Agora
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
This is also a band you've probably never heard. It's a surf rock band where I play the guitar - it's called The Matching Suits

we have some videos on youtube

Posts: 2
“Shaman” is a really good brazilian power metal/heavy metal band. they sing their songs in english, and I think you would probably like it.


you can see more videos of them at youtube.com
Posts: 1
Psycho Daddys Punkabilly band from the late 90's
Posts: 4
its not that no ones heard of this band but alot of people havent, A Day To Remember
Posts: 41
Winter sun is a pretty good band, they remind me of a young Children of Bodom. I believe they are also from Finland
Posts: 33
Oomph! in their videos they don't have a bassist because both players play guitar, one of them plays rhythm guitar which extends to the bass. Also, live they hire a bassist. However i have yet to find many bass tabs for their songs

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