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country bass tabs

Posts: 1
14 years ago
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Does anyone know a site that has country bass tabs? I love rock, metal, rap and country but can't ever find a site that has a lot of country tabs. Please help!!!!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
don't know of a particular site. which artists are you looking for?
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
onecreekboy, if you could be a bit more specific and tell us the artists you're looking for I'm sure we'll be able to hook you up with quite a few tabs.
All my exes live in texas by george strait
merle haggard and george jones songs
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
we'll get ou those as soon as we can.
Posts: 2
yo1 should try to find bass tabs for some rascal flatts songs
TheDude [staff]
Posts: 287
oh my, i completely forgot about this thread.

well, any time now, cecil's and dummass' requests are coming up - i promise!
Posts: 1
I would be thrilled to find the bass tabs to some country songs. I just play the basic root and fifth with some walk ups etc…but would like to learn more. Thanks!!
My 1st post. Any luck with the previous requests on country tabs? I'm lookin for alot of the same older country songs…..
I'd like some eric church converted on bass

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