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Bought a fretless!

Posts: 189
10 years ago
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Its a chinese rockbass warwick, its weird to play at first but my notes are not that badly off from playing fretted, neck has only dots no lines.
Posts: 1103
Posts: 63
Well played sir! Well played.

Keep us posted.

Posts: 1499
that is really cool, purplez! Your technique must be pretty damn good to get so close to the note so soon with the frets gone. usually, to my understanding as I haven't played a fretless bass, that takes a good bit of work to achieve. Cheers!

errr…are you giving lessons?
Posts: 1594
Always wanted to play one just for the hell of it
Posts: 189
that is really cool, purplez! Your technique must be pretty damn good to get so close to the note so soon with the frets gone. usually, to my understanding as I haven't played a fretless bass, that takes a good bit of work to achieve. Cheers!errr…are you giving lessons?

Well… I'm not spot on all the time so far,I think if every note was perfect not sharp/flat it would sound a bit robotic.?
I'm finding it hard to pick out some notes absolutely clean like B and F#, the best lesson I've read is to play on top of the marked out fretline if you have them, or on like my one as in line with the fretboard top dots.
But other than that,so far its not been too much of a transition, the real test will be when I play with others though
Posts: 1499
I know some fretless necks have lines to show where the fretting is. But I had thought that on a fretless without the lines but with dots, the dots would still be between frets, meaning that if you used the dot for fretting you would be flat since you are in the middle of the fret space rather than at the fret. Am I wrong?
Posts: 1103
No, Sid, you're not wrong. That's how my fretless neck is configured. No lines, but dots on the side of the neck.

I've yet to play it though, because… well you know… it's under construction.

But I've heard that you play a fretless either by ear (and only the ones with good ears can do this well) or by muscle memory. Because my ear sucks, I'm hoping muscle memory is what gets me through playing my fretless.
Posts: 189
I know some fretless necks have lines to show where the fretting is. But I had thought that on a fretless without the lines but with dots, the dots would still be between frets, meaning that if you used the dot for fretting you would be flat since you are in the middle of the fret space rather than at the fret. Am I wrong?

Yes the dots on the fretless relate to the notes location and aren't in the middle like on a fretted.
Posts: 3147
You have to spread the four fingers of the fretting hand, and using your forefinger as the anchor, (on the root of the chord) use the other fingers where the corresponding frets would be. You have to use this technique on fretless, it's not so essential on fretted but it makes you a better player if you do
Posts: 1499
Unfortunately for me, my fingeres are webbed - part of being an aquatic superhero dude - so holding the root and reaching to the third, fourth, and fifth isn't happening. Clearly not a bass player superhero dude. bummer, right?

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