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Hi ThunderBassist I don't know exactly what model is my bass, but it's a memphis. Maybe you can help me to know the model https://instagram.com/p/2bdQG8ljvl/ , there's a pic.
Posts: 1103
Wasn't Memphis Guitars a division of Yamaha? More of the entry level stuff?
Yamaha sold the Memphis P Bass copy under their own brand name. The bass in the picture reminds me of the German Fame brand, but if the headstock says Memphis, it has to be a Japanese bass from the Matsumoku factories. Back in the 70's they built P Basses of an amazingly high quality.
Yamaha sold the Memphis P Bass copy under their own brand name. The bass in the picture reminds me of the German Fame brand, but if the headstock says Memphis, it has to be a Japanese bass from the Matsumoku factories. Back in the 70's they built P Basses of an amazingly high quality.

Wow, i bought used for aprox 30USD… How i can know the model of it? the only info is Memphis y headstock, nothing more . Maybe it's just a chinnese random bass xD thnx anyway for wake me the curiosity.
This happens if you've got a guitar player at hand…
Quote: Yamaha sold the Memphis P Bass copy under their own brand name. The bass in the picture reminds me of the German Fame brand, but if the headstock says Memphis, it has to be a Japanese bass from the Matsumoku factories. Back in the 70's they built P Basses of an amazingly high quality. Wow, i bought used for aprox 30USD… How i can know the model of it? the only info is Memphis y headstock, nothing more . Maybe it's just a chinnese random bass xD thnx anyway for wake me the curiosity.
There is a chance that someone may recognize this bass, if you post a few detailed pictures of the bass on the TalkBass forum and on the BassTalk247 forum.
Posts: 3147
Dean basses did that neck extending into the body at an angle past the fingerboard thing, try cross referencing. The Matsomoku factory made guitars for just about everybody, its a bit of a minefield
The Bassist
Posts: 171

I had three different recording sessions for this song and each time I produced a video I intended to upload only to delete it a few hours later and try again. Out of all of them this was the best.
Posts: 7
Here are a couple of my covers from the Beatles' Abbey Road album:

Sounds good! Very nice Rick!

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