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Introducing changes in the ratings

johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Uh Johnny, I don't think your plan is working..

Don't worry, I haven't used up all my tricks just yet.
Posts: 1103
Does your site allow you to check I.P.s of those who rate tabs?

Can you tell if it's the same person (which it most likely is) and then match the I.P. with a registered user to find out who it is?
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Thanks once again, Johnny. Yeah, I bitch and moan over this kind of thing, but only because I put so much time and care into my tabs. I don't mind a bad rating if the tab legitimately deserves it, but the thought of someone fucking with them just to be a dick – that's like keying someone's car or pouring sugar in their tank. A total chicken-shit move. THAT'S what pisses me off.
I agree with you lon it takes so much time and effort and its a bitch ive only posted a couple it aint easy
Posts: 180
im all about this idea.
i posted a tab of the family guy theme and someone gave me a really bad rating.
this blows cuz im pretty sure the tab is at leat 95% accurate.
Posts: 330
What happens when you pour sugar in the tank? Never heard of that before
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Sugar is heavier than gas, so if someone pours it into your tank it's going to settle and take up space, decreasing the amount of fuel your tank will hold. As a result you'll end up having to refuel more often. Sometimes a small amount might circulate into your fuel line; not enough to gunk it up but enough that you'd need to change your fuel filter more often.

So really it doesn't do near as much actual damage as most folks think, but the real problem is that unless you're aware that there's sugar in there, the more frequent refuelling will lead you to assume there's a leak in your fuel line or the tank itself. And since most folks don't know how to check such things, they end up taking their car to a garage and paying for repairs they never actually needed. You will, at the very least, end up having to remove the fuel tank itself and have it cleaned out.
Posts: 1103
I thought you're supposed to pee in someone's gas tank.


What's that about.
Posts: 440
I agree any negative ratings should have a name attached and an explanation, but i thought it was a banana in the tail pipe.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Banana in the tailpipe, pee in the tank, sugar – none are ideal lol

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