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Tab Requests

Posts: 3145
Angry young man
Posts: 1594
Might've talked about this before, but it would be nice to be able to change the rating you give. Sometimes I'll accidentally give a bad rating and I can't change it.
Posts: 1103
Interesting. Is that because of cookies on your computer?

I've noticed that I can rate a tab from my home PC, then give another rating from my cell phone, then another from my work computer.

I assumed it was because of cookies in the browser or something with the I.P. addresses being different allowing me to do so.
Posts: 1594
I use my phone or laptop. Not sure what it is
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Might've talked about this before, but it would be nice to be able to change the rating you give. Sometimes I'll accidentally give a bad rating and I can't change it.

I plan to do this soon. The way ratings are stored now it's just accumulated rating, the site doesn't save individual ratings. I will fix this soon as there are lots of problems with trolls and saving individual ratings will make it much easier to eliminate them.

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