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beginner help

Chairag yadav
Posts: 33
12 years ago
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hey I am playin guitar for a almost 2 months now…I just love bass guitar…..can anyone give me bass guitar lessons(pdf) or links? Please.
Posts: 3

been watching some of his videos and found it useful
Posts: 1499
There's the bass lessons tabs on this site.

Here's another link to useful "how to play bass' info: http://myweb.cableone.net/duanelangston/Bass_Page.htm

And if you want to learn songs, this site can help: http://www.how-to-play-bass.com

How did things go with your performance of the song Johnny helped you with?

Posts: 2
I'd say look up a local teacher or just ask around! Been playing for about a year and lost count of people who play and i never knew before !
How did things go with your performance of the song Johnny helped you with? Cheers.
It was cool…. I really liked it….plus I did some slides to fill the gaps xD

I'd say look up a local teacher or just ask around! Been playing for about a year and lost count of people who play and i never knew before !
In my city,there are lots of guitar schools but they only teach guitar,bass is taught on request.I want a person/website/anyone who has bass guitar specialization….I want learn and become a Good bassist

P.S-there are many bass guitarists but only few are good…I wanna be a good one
http://scottsbasslessons.com/ been watching some of his videos and found it useful

Thnxx they were nice (y)
There's the bass lessons tabs on this site. Here's another link to useful "how to play bass' info: http://myweb.cableone.net/duanelangston/Bass_Page.htm
Nyc info on that website……. Thanks
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
It was cool.... I really liked it....plus I did some slides to fill the gaps xD

that's good to hear! cheers
Posts: 3
I also just started learning bass, bought my Ibanez Mikro last fall and started lessons last month. I do a combo of live lessons with a local teacher, use a book and dvd set I bought on ebay, and find free online lessons. It is moving me along faster than just one method alone.. that and hours of pratice every week.. Love my Mikro short scale, I am only 5' tall and so it is perfect in size and weight without giving up quality of sound… it shocks all my bass buddies with the quality and depth of sound!

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