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- Do you submit your tabs to other sites?
Do you submit your tabs to other sites?
Big Bass Tabs is the 4th tab site I have joined to submit my bass tabs. I also submit to ultimate guitar.com, guitar tabs explorer & tab crawler.
Do any other users in here use other sites to submit their work?
i'm sure many do, i don't. this is my site, after all.
I started tabbing songs three or four years ago - in a fit of nostalgia, I decided to play a song we covered every gig back in the previous century, and I couldn't remember it! I had to figure it out again and decided I'd better write it down this go around.
Not long after, I discovered the BassMasta web site. Eventually, I uploaded my tabs there, only to delete them all when the owner sold the site to Songster.
As BassMasta died, there were a number of efforts to start up new sites and keep the community of BassMasta users together: two of these which I tried to help make work were Bass Haven (a bass forum) and Bass Place (a tab site). I have put some of my tabs from BassMasta on both of these sites, but technical issues arose making posting a problem (could log in, then couldn't, required formats other than what I normally use…

Presently, Big Bass Tabs is the only tab site I post tabs to, as it is the most BassMasta-like that I have found. I hope that this site eventually becomes what BassMasta was (a helpful community where you could ask a newbie question and not get shit for it, with lots of tabs - some of them quite good), and am trying to help that happen.
That said, I think posting your tabs on multiple sites is a good thing for persons trying to learn a song or how to play. Tab sites appear, get the letter from the recording industry's lawyers, and disappear - or sell out. Redundant postings help keep the info available and on the net.
I remember BassMasta, that was a good site. I always wondered what happened to it, thanks for the info Sid.
I tend to use 4 sites in total just to spread the word about my tabs but also to help promote the bands & songs I'm tabbing.
As tab sites tend to get shut down every so often it's handy to know my tabs & everyone elses on here can be found somewhere on the internet.
The Dude as this is your site why would you want to go anywhere else!
I don't submit to any site but I do look at others.
As tab sites tend to get shut down every so often it's handy to know my tabs & everyone elses on here can be found somewhere on the internet.
this one isn't getting shut down, you can be sure of that. we've put too much work into it and use it ourselves far too often.
That's good to hear, this site is too good to be taken away from us.
I Used To Submit to BassMasta before Songsterr Bought the url and killed the site, Havent Tabbed on here, all my tabs from Bassmasta have mysteriously appeared here on their own.
I Used To Submit to BassMasta before Songsterr Bought the url and killed the site, Havent Tabbed on here, all my tabs from Bassmasta have mysteriously appeared here on their own.
if you'd like to be credited for them, you can just let us know which ones are yours and we'll write you down as the author.
They've just been copied and pasted, still have my name on the bottom of them, some are terrible anyway, from years ago when i really wasnt any good.
That's a generous offer TheDude to JavaDeano. That iswhy this site is so good.
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