0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


I'm a slave to the rhythm, but I don't wanna drum. So the connection between drums and instruments in the higher register is what I find attractive. The bass follows both the rhythm and the melody.

I have a strong preference for a bass tone which doesn't sit in the mix, but spreads out under the mix, if you catch my drift. I like to build the fundament on which the other instruments find their place.
Posts: 2
That is what I love about the bass too, the back bone, or spine of the song!! Well said my friend
Posts: 534
Who doesn't love loud and low??? And I'm definitely with wallacek - I'm not a big flashy performer, and I'd rather not be noticed up on stage. As the bass player, if I do my job well no one will really notice me, it's when I don't serve the song that people finally know I'm there. But seeing people tapping their feet, bobbing their heads, or dancing along to what I'm playing I know I'm getting the job done.

But that all happened after I started playing bass. Well before that, many many moons ago, it was the cute girl I liked who was completely into Duran Duran, mostly John Taylor, that made me want to be able to play bass. And 20 years later I got started!
…gimmie that big bottom every time.

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