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Anyone out there like Culture Club?

Posts: 440
Congratulations Culture Club on its 200th reply to the thread ;p
Posts: 461
This thread survives & gets stronger!
Congratulations Culture Club on its 200th reply to the thread ;p

Now for the next 200
Posts: 624
Anybody watch Karma to clamety yet?
Posts: 624
What was your favourite outfit boy george wore?
Posts: 1103

The fuh?
Yeah outfit! What's the problem? LOL
Posts: 3145
What was your favourite outfit boy george wore?
You either said that for a joke, for a bet or you were serious, please don't tell me you were serious!!
(What was your favourite outfit boy george wore?)

H'mm, did he have names for his wardrobe's? I'm no fashion designer, but something about bright colors, fringes/tassels and make-up just doesn't sit well with me.
Management needed to toughen up his image up a notch or two.

Posts: 440
Boy George may have wore the same outfits as Madonna in the 80's. Minus the boob cones.

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