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When Is A Good Age To Start A Band

Posts: 32
10 years ago
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Would you say ages 15-16 is too young to start a band that has the goal of recording.
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
i started playing in my first band when i was 14. i formed a new band this year and i'm 29. its never too early and never too late in my opinion
i started playing in my first band when i was 14. i formed a new band this year and i'm 29. its never too early and never too late in my opinion
Were you able to play live at that age.
Posts: 3146
The earlier the better, and playing in a band helps you learn and develop your own style faster
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Were you able to play live at that age.

my first band didnt last long enough to play a live gig, i had my first live gig when i was 16 in my second band (played lead guitar in a death metal band)
Posts: 809

Would you say ages 15-16 is too young to start a band that has the goal of recording.

Not at all

At a recent UK Subs gig I attended the support was from Charlie Harpers (subs vocalists) grandsons punk band A-M-I

They must of been 13-15 years old and this was in a proper live venue with pissed up old school punks in the audience

Go for it I wish I had at your age

LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I'd say a good age would be roughly somewhere between birth and death. You're never too young or too old.
I'd say a good age would be roughly somewhere between birth and death. You're never too young or too old.
Let's hope so. I never played in a band, but want to. I started playing the bass five years ago, at the age of 50. I was asked by two coverbands and a starting band with the objective to play original rock songs. Both coverbands rehearse at a time that I'm not available. I did audition for the starting band, by composing and playing a bassline for one of their songs. I was told my bassline was too straight forward. They liked it to be more melodic, following the singer. No problem, my time will come.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I didn't fit well with my first band, either. I wasn't a bass player, I was a rhythm guitarist – but my instinct as a player, be it guitar or bass, is to mix shit up a bit. I don't want every song I play to sound the same, I like each song to have its own vibe, I like to mix different styles. But our lead singer wasn't willing to stretch outside of his comfort zone (his comfort zone being to go from a more or less whispered verse to a screaming chorus and not bother trying to reach any pitch in-between) so I quickly grew bored with it. Shame, too; we had a great lead guitarist. And it was him and me who were burdened with the thankless task of having to create (more like “restrict” ourselves to) riffs that would fit our stubborn lead singer's limited vocal range. It was the definition of frustration, especially when he was the guy who had all the recording gear LOL

The good news, though, is that you're right: Your time will come. Keep looking around, jam with others whenever the opportunity presents itself. Eventually you'll find some guys your style clicks with.
Posts: 63
I agree with Lon. Anytime between birth and death. The sooner, the better. Here I am, eligible for Social Senility, looking to start a band.

Ain't no time like the present.


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