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Posts: 3148
I was never a fan, and she aint no bonny lass, I mean those teeth…she could eat an apple through a tennis raquet
Posts: 809
I mean those teeth…she could eat an apple through a tennis raquet

Ha Ha that's classic i nearly spat a mouthfull of Guinness out

she's certainly no Joan Jett
Posts: 3148
Thank you very much, I'm here all week
Posts: 1499
The debut album was and is brilliant. Subsequent efforts, IMO, never again reaching such a level of excellence. Nonetheless, The Pretenders are a band I like very much. And there is no correlation between ‘beauty’ and excellent music (have a listen to Romeo Void for example). Chrissie Hynde has my respect and appreciation for that debut album alone.
Posts: 3148
I have listened to her, her voice is like fingernails down a blackboard
Posts: 48
I'd like a tab for Boots of Chinese Plastic…
Posts: 1103
Chrissie completely screwed me on th interview. I'm really upset about this. I supported this band for over 20 years and she told me “I'm not good enough to talk to” Because the radio station I work for is not fucking CBC. I don't know what to make from this. She said “Yes, sure.” than “Maybe” and now a spit it the face
What a shit move on her part. Her heyday is long gone. Any publicity is good publicity for her. To deny even a small station an interview after initially agreeing to it is just bad juju.

I won't buy anymore (any) of her albums now out of protest for you Twiggy.

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