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Question from Twiggy

Posts: 624
What about Van Nyus?
Posts: 3147
And for all its faults, for me it beats Florida any day of the week.

What, even Tuesday?
Posts: 534
I grew up in Southern California, the southern part of Orange County. It was a great place to grow up back in the 70's and 80's, and I'd move back in a heartbeat, except:

1. I couldn't afford to live where I would want to live, and I don't want to live where I could afford to live
2. The 1,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 (or so) other people who are there
3. It's completely overdeveloped

There are still some nice areas, but you have to look for them.
Posts: 3147
So whats so bad about Canadia? One of my sisters lived in Calgary, Alberta for about five years, the winters were mercilessly harsh but the summers were glorious, and the Rockies was her back garden
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I lived in Lethbridge, Alberta for just over a year. Loved it there. Everyone was so nice and friendly. Unlike down here in the states, where everyone tries to screw one another over. We could learn a lot from the Canucks when it comes to how we treat one another here in the states.

Twig – stay in Canada. Trust me. Especially if you enjoy being able to go the hospital and not pay a dime out of pocket.
What, even Tuesday?

ESPECIALLY Tuesday….Tuesday is chicken & waffles day.
Posts: 624
I swear I just pied myself with that “Chicken & Waffles day.”
There's nothing bad about Canada. It's there are virtually no record labels here. A few good bands. There's a bigger chance in America.

The whole hospital thing is what bugged me the most Lon. I'm glad he's here now.

So Alberta could be a place for music. A bigger scene anyway.
Posts: 3147
A few good bands in Canada? are you kidding? theres loads. Rush never went to the States to make it big, they did it all based in Toronto. And heres catch 22, if you go to the States to be a musician, you have to sell all your instruments to pay for 1 prescription!
Posts: 624
Is the health care system that bad? How do citizens of Anerica manage this?

I know there tons of bands in Canada. Back in the day. Now, it's different. Rush got an American record deal because, well they're Rush.

The big cities seem to be the place to go in Canada.
mr zee
Posts: 577
Being a newbie to BBT I have looked at some of the older threads and come across this one and the comments made about Florida and thought I should add to it, Meand the family went to Orlando just after 911 for the parks etc and what springs to mind, remembering you are in air conditioned planes and airports, is when we first went out side at Sanford it felt like a Turkish barber had thrown a hot wet towel over my face. We picked our hire car up and drove to our accomadaton which was at a place called Southridge or Southbridge, just south of Kissimee and when we got inside it felt that cold cos of the aircon we had to put the heating on, how bizarre is that

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