0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z

How to solve the versions problem?

The reason for this message is not to be pissy at anyone or point fingers etc. I'm just pointing out a major flaw with the database regarding multiple versions of the same song.
I fully understand to monitor and run this site takes a lot of man hours and hard work. My deepest respect to everyone involved who does.

I was looking at Sunshine of Your Love by Cream to play around with.
I counted 26 tabs.I'm no bass expert but I know full well 26 tabs is way too many.
I see this thread was started 2 years ago.
Things were discussed, ideas shared and………. nothing!
I wonder if the ratings discussion will follow the same pattern?

So please tell me which one I or anyone else should be looking at!
Is that me being lazy? Yes partly and also because I'd get bored trawling through every tab to find the best version, unless I was lucky first time round.

I know the only way you would have one tab only was if it was tabbed by Jack Bruce. Then there would be no questions asked, no extra tabs required. Sadly none of the tabs listed below are by Jack. Or are there?!

Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 2) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 2) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 3) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 4) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 5) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 6) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 7) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 9) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (ver 10) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love(correct Trust Me) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (100%) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (100% Complete And Correct) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (complete & Correct) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (complete Not Just Intro) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (correct) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (guitar Part On Bass) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (main Riff) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love (normal Tuning) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine Of Your Love With Slight Variation bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine of your love (how jack Bruce actually played it) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine of Your Love (ver 11) bass tabs
Cream - sunshine of your love (ver 12) bass tabs
Cream - Sunshine of your love (ver 13) bass tabs

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To clear this up would take a lot of effort by someone and it would probably be a thankless task, but it surely needs to be done, not just talked about and ignored/forgotten about.

Is it just me or am I being a pedantic so and so?
mr zee
Posts: 577
There are various versions of the same songs, but where there is multiple versions of the exact same tabs could they not be condensed into one but attribute it to every one that did it. Hopefully, as in the 26 cream tabs above, it would reduce the amount of tabs that have to be trawled through, because of the abuse in the rating system, but still list all the people who contributed to it. Could be a never ending job though.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I was just PMing with someone about this very subject, the copious amount of tabs we have for some songs. If it's not an improvement on any version that we already have, it shouldn't be submitted, plain and simple.

I think a lot of those versions are from newbies who have just learned the song (though not all have learned it correctly) and they're wanting to show off their newfound licks, so they tab it up. Kind of like how a new guitarist will go into a shop and play bits and pieces of easily identifiable riffs that every new guitarist learns, like 7 Nation Army or the opening plucks of Nothing Else Matters. And you think to yourself, good for them, they're learning guitar – but a million other people have come in here and played that song, and most of them have played it better.

Same with a new tabber. Good for you for picking up bass, we all love it here on the low end. But if your tab is clearly less accurate than any version we already have, then don't submit it. It's just that much more chaff users will have to weed through.
Posts: 534
What will need to happen is people starting to give poor ratings to the inferior tabs. When there are 26 versions you know some aren't going to be as good. If you find a tab that isn't good, take a minute to rate it and make a comment. Having something to mark a tab as “really doesn't need to be provided any longer” would be good, but a bunch of 1-2 star ratings would be a pretty good indication.

Looking for Johnny, The Dude, and Lon to do everything on the site isn't reasonable - they have lives. As members of the community we all can help, and if we want the site to be better we can all contribute to improving it.

One idea is to have Moderators for tabs, with the ability to hide/delete tabs they don't find to be useful to be here. Hiding would keep the tab in the Users profile, but not on the Lists and Search results. Make it a double-out system, where two Tab Moderators have to flag the tab to remove it. We'd also need a way for Tab Mods to see the list of flagged tabs. Yeah, more work for Johnny up front, but it would help a lot with a cleanup effort.
mr zee
Posts: 577
Same with a new tabber. Good for you for picking up bass, we all love it here on the low end. But if your tab is clearly less accurate than any version we already have, then don't submit it. It's just that much more chaff users will have to weed through.

In the first few months of me tabbing I submitted a couple of tabs which weren't totally accurate to the song but instead tabbed as I used to play them, which was to make up for the lack of keyboards in the bands I was in, and these tabs have flourished. I have pointed out on the relevant tab page that they are my own versions and not accurate but they are well viewed, top ratings and well favourited. Some of my, what I think, decent tabs haven't been rated at all. I would also point out that about 5% of my tabs are version 2 or 3 whilst the rest are version 1
I don't know what the BBT staff think or everyone else on here think but there has to be a maximum amount of tabs allowed per song. For example say 10? Though that seems too many, probably 5?

Once 10 tabs have been submitted, if anyone tries to submit an 11th version maybe there could be a warning. It could say along the lines of “10 versions already exist there is a strong possibility that your version may be rejected. Do you wish to continue with your submission?”

If that tabber wishes to continue, It would then be shown to whoever to compare with the versions that already exist.
I presume at present tabs are just accepted regardless of multiple previous acceptances?
If by some miracle it does prove better than anything before, only then can it be accepted, otherwise it gets rejected.

Also by this practice it would slow down the reviews of these tabs because of the work involved in checking them. That would mean delays in either their acceptance or rejection.
Other tabs that are not of a multiple version can be accepted in the regular way.

As for examples like Sunshine Of Your Love, it will take extra people to help check them out.
I don't think you can clean up every song in the database but maybe just obvious classics and from bands like The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Led Zep, Queen. Artists of that calibre.

Just a thought/idea!
mr zee
Posts: 577
I think this is a really good idea, might take a while to play catch up, but once done should be ok.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
I have pointed out on the relevant tab page that they are my own versions and not accurate to the song but instead tabbed as I used to play them, which was to make up for the lack of keyboards in the bands I was in...

This kind of thing I have no problem with. If you're clearly stating in your tab that it's not a representation of the original recording, but is instead a variation you yourself play, I consider that providing full disclosure. You're not attempting to mislead the user, so no harm, no foul.
mr zee
Posts: 577
Nice one.
Posts: 3146
…sod this, anyone fancy a pint?

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