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Prince, another Legend lost

Posts: 3147
Not a lot of people knew how great he was on guitar but boy, the man could shred. Rip
Posts: 109
Huge fan, never really feel much when celebrities pass away. This one really struck home. So many memories with his music also during rough times in my life his music kept me up. Whether it was a death in family or just some hard times in my life. I can go on about certain moments. Sad day indeed

Ronnie talk to Russia
Joy in repetition
He shreds

Just to name a few also George Harrison's salute of while my guitar gently weeps.

Welcome to the dawn

johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
Damn. Rip prince!
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Another of my musical idols gone. Loved Prince. Dude was an amazing musician, kicked ass on any instrument you put in his hands. Not just a great icon of the '80s but music in general. RIP, His Purple Badness.
Posts: 534
His was one of the best Super Bowl half-time performances, and he didn't even play one of his own songs. No ego, just a consummate professional doing what he loves to do. No “special guests”, no wardrobe malfunctions, just a demonstration of what being a musician really is.
Posts: 1103
I was never a fan. Never bought an album. Didn't care for his style. But I recognize what a talented and influential artist he was. Amazing song writer and performer. Looks like drugs stole another soul.
The world lost an amazing musician. R.I.P. Prince
Still can't believe this man is no longer with us, a true legend

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