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New Goo Goo Dolls records Boxes is out Today

Posts: 624
Hello guys.

Thank you to everyone for the kind wishes, it meant a lot to me. These last few weeks have brought me and Cher very close, tragedy usually does that. From the bottom of my heart, if I could by all you cats a beer and rock the night away, I would. Marko drunk would be halirious and then Boy George comes on and he goes Apeshit

I actually put my bass down when Carol passed and it took a nagging daughter to make me pick it back up and find the fire that made me want to make music for the last 14 years. Carol was a part of that and a passion for music. However, I had no intention of picking it back up again for a long time but I guess I was wrong.

Today is a special day, Me and Cher have been waiting patiently for the new Goo Goo Dolls to be released today. It's really cool when she knows how much her dad loves the band she gets me up @ 6 am to be @ the wal-mart for 7 am
It's also cool when she is herself a Goo Goo Doll as well. This is band that has a deep place in my heart since I was a kid in the late 80 when they came on the scene.

We are doing fine and Cher has something to say her. She is going to type this.
Thank you mr Lon for johny Cash." my daddy showed me how to play it.

Me and Cher wanted to share this song. WE both agree that this band has stood the test of time and the new album is amazing.
Posts: 3148
Great to have you back Twiggy, been real quiet round here, and hey, me and George often get wasted together! My wife went to see the Goo Goo Dolls at Newcastle Carling Academy a few years back, I drove her there and waited for her in Rosie O'Grady's bar…she drove back, she never stops talking about it
Posts: 1103
I like the Goo Goo Dolls. Good songwriting.

I can't get any of my guitarist friends to want to play any of their songs because of the bizarre alternate tunings they do.

Posts: 624
John is publishing a book of his tunings soon. Yup, Cowards.

John is quite the guitar player and Robby is an incredible bassist. Those crazy tunings and brotherhood are the heart and soul of the band.

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