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Nirvana song to sing and play on bass

Mr. Lefty
Posts: 4
I'm trying to learn how to sing and play bass at the same time, and I was wondering if anybody knows any Nirvana songs that are pretty easy to play while singing, I don't care if it's a rare demo or some often ignored B-side, just as long as it's a Nirvana song that is somewhat simple to play and sing at the same time.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Took me forever to learn how to sing and play at the same time. Starting out, my lyrical cadence kept wanting to follow the plucking cadence of my hand and vice versa. What worked for me was playing songs that had steady 8th and quarter note beats, without a lot of rhythmic change ups, so I wouldn't have to think about changing a lot of notes while trying to sing. So, that in mind, some of the more simple Nirvana bass songs would be stuff like…

About a Girl
Molly's Lips
Something in the Way
Drain You

Those should get you started.
Thanks man!
I'm pretty familiar with most of the songs so learning them shouldn't be too hard.
Posts: 3148
The problem is you are singing the melody but having to concentrate on the bassline, I have a lot of respect for Paul McArtney, Sherril Crow, (sic), Lemmy etc
The problem is you are singing the melody but having to concentrate on the bassline, I have a lot of respect for Paul McArtney, Sherril Crow, (sic), Lemmy etc
Yeah, stuff like that ain't too easy.
I've tried singing along to Ace Of Spades while playing a few times, it's not too hard, but it's not that easy.
Posts: 534
I'm not a vocalist - I'm encouraged to lip-sync hymns at church - but I have a couple I can ‘sing’ while I play:

Walking on the Moon - The Police
Warning - Green Day

Both are simple, repetitive bass lines so my fingers can do their thing without too much concentration.
Posts: 3148
…and Walking on the Moon pretty much has the vocal in between the bass, so you're not doing both at the same time
Posts: 534
Well, there is the chorus, Marko. And you do it twice!
Posts: 3148
Hence ‘Pretty Much’

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