0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
(formatting is messed up in the forum - copy it out to notepad and it will line up)

Fixed it for you. When adding tabs to forum posts, just click on the clef button (the one to the left of the youtube button). Or, you can manually type in:

[tabs]insert your tab[/tabs]

Don't try to think of basslines as scales, I think we've over confused you. Knowing the scales and the notes in them and how they relate to chords is essential but you need to move on now to modes, triads, inversions etc. The thing with the bass is, when a guitarist is playing chords or doing lead licks they are pretty much mapped out for him, he's basically following the rules, the bassist on the other hand has to be inventive, he can keep it simple by using triads and playing riffs or be really adventurous and play complicated meandering lines, but to do this he still needs to know what notes are available to him within the piece of music that's being played, which is why you need to know your scales. Also, you don't need to stick to the root, third, fifth and octave when a major chord is being played, any note in the scale is available to you, you can even play minor while the guitar plays major, it's a bit of a minefield but you'll get it

Marco, can you explain the modes, triads and inversions please ?
To: FireRocket

Too much to explain in one post. Here is one great lesson for modes http://www.bigbasstabs.com/bass_lesson_bass_tabs/chordscale_theory.html

Also check his other lessons, there are loads of them, lots of great stuff there.

Had a look, clear as mud !! I cannot begin to explain how difficult this is to understand. So far everyone on here has done a lot to explain the scales theory. I spent a few weeks going over various scales. The when i went back to learning Tabs i really felt i had stepped up a level and found it a lot easier to learn and play tabs.

I don't think i will ever to fully understand the bass theory but if i can get a basic level understanding i will be happy.

Posts: 534
Might be time to just play for a while, then cycle back toward studying theory again later. I've switched around on what I'm focusing on frequently (new songs, technique, theory) to avoid getting burned out on any one thing. I'll even spend a few days just tweaking the setup on a bass to see how it changes the sound and feel as I play. That way I'm learning something useful, so I feel I'm progressing, without getting too frustrated. And as you noticed, coming back to something after leaving it for a while can surprise you with your progress!
Yeah you might be right 2nick3

quick question, i know very little about my bass, but it would appear i have 4 pick ups and a thumb rest very close to the bottom of the neck, should i be hitting the strings over the pick ups ? stupid question maybe.
Posts: 189
Modes made simple, take key of Cmajor.

Cdefgab ionian
Defgabcd dorian
Efgabcde Phrygian
Fgabcdef lydian
And so on until you get back to the C you started from.
It's all about the chords being played with modes,play the mixolydian scale Gabgcdefg over the chords G7 Aminor7.
Posts: 534
Yeah you might be right 2nick3 quick question, i know very little about my bass, but it would appear i have 4 pick ups and a thumb rest very close to the bottom of the neck, should i be hitting the strings over the pick ups ? stupid question maybe.

What model bass do you have? I'm picturing either two split-coil (Precision-style) pickups or two humbucking sets.

You can play anywhere on the string you want, and you'll get different sounds depending on where you hit them. I have a Fender Jazz, and will play on top of either of the pickups, getting a different sound from each location. It's a matter of comfort for you and getting the sound you want. Plus you can switch between/mix the pickups, getting even more sounds. Get a riff you like going, then play around with where you play and the pickup blend to hear the differences. You'll find one you really like, but will be able to change your sound easily as it fits for different songs.
OK, then my advise would be the following. Don't learn stuff because someone on the internet tells you to. Learn only something you feel like you need to. If you don't feel like learning theory at all - just learn some songs you like, explore your instrument and your sound. The more you play the more you'd stumble upon something interesting about technique or theory you would want to learn and, MOST IMPORTANT, to apply. There is no need in learning smth just for the sake of learning. For example, I started playing bass last spring, and only now i feel the need to explore scales and modes and how they affect sound. Before that simple old C major was enough, because i was working on chords and arpegios, etc. And now my ears could spot more sounds and more varieties of them. Few days ago stumbled upon harmonics and what they are, now starting to explore it. Having lots of fun, and half year ago i wouldn't know what to do with them. Scales and modes are only one small part of a theory and you don't need specifically learn them, as your knowledge of music theory progresses, other parts also come together because it is ALL connected. There is so much fun you could have and i feel like i'm barely scratching the surface so far, but already see how my sound and general music ideas are affected by it. If you feel smth is too complicated - drop it, work on smth else, when you get back you will know what to do. Sometimes it's just “clicks”.
I guess i wrote a lot here, just wanted to explain the stuff i explored for myself, thought you might find something useful.
Good luck
Posts: 3145
Right, listen up, it's obvious you've gone away and slaved over scales, and without realising it, they're stored in the back of your mind and that's the best place for them. You're going back to learning tabs, that's great, you'll get more enjoyment out of playing tunes rather than just boring old scales, but while you are learning tabs, don't just do the numbers, learn the notes the numbers relate to, print the tabs and write the notes over the numbers, gradually you will begin to notice where the scales come in and more importantly, how to make your own lines.
A couple of other things, a huge chunk of popular music over the last 60 years has used a thing called the three chord trick, just three chords and you've got a song, C, D and G are very popular, but whatever you use three chords are all you need, check out Status Quo, they'd be knackered without the three chord trick.
And lastly, one of the greats of the bass, session man Herbie Flowers once gave some great advice, part of which was when you make basslines, sing them first then play them, try it, it really works

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