0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


Posts: 2
My new band already has a guitar part written in tab and I would like to play the same notes only lower. I am trying to find an easier way to convert the tab to notes so that I can rewrite my parts in tab form. We use an alternate tunings and that may be why I am having troubles.
Posts: 2
My new band already has a guitar part written in tab and I would like to play the same notes only lower. I am trying to find an easier way to convert the tab to notes so that I can rewrite my parts in tab form. We use an alternate tunings and that may be why I am having troubles.
Why is that picture there? I don't look or represent that.
Posts: 3145
Go onto your profile to edit your avatar, that picture is used to encourage you to do just that.
The four thickest strings on the guitar are the same as the four strings on the bass, except the bass is one octave lower than the guitar, the two remaining strings on the guitar are B and E.
Not knowing your alternate tunings isn't much help, let's assume you are using drop D, which means the guitars low E string is tuned down to D and you've done the same with your bass that means your open E is now open D, so on the tab a number 3 on the bottom line represents F and number 5 represents G, hope this helps
Posts: 534
The easiest thing to do is tune your bass the same as the guitar. Then you have the tab.

Otherwise you have to determine what notes are being played on the guitar and translate them to the bass fret board in whatever tuning you are using. I don't know of any way to do it except manually, note by note.
LoudLon [moderator]
Posts: 1942
Can you post the guitar tab? It'd make it easier for us to tell you how to translate it to bass.

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