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Posts: 3147
Quote: Quote: This is the man responsible! I am not even going to watch that. I wish I hadn't…
He's awesome though but, and a little kiddies guitar!
Posts: 1103
I have it. Wish I didn't

When I'm distracted, I don't know the hissing and ringing is there. But when I concentrate on it, it drives me nuts.

Lots of concerts as a kid, and working with power tools with no hearing protection.

It sucks.
Posts: 3147
On the plus side, when the missus is telling me about her day I focus on the hissing

Posts: 1103
On the plus side, when the missus is telling me about her day I focus on the hissing
Silver lining.
Posts: 1
Though I would like to blame Ted Nugent for setting down his guitar in front of his amp and causing ungodly feedback, I recall not being able to hear for a couple of days several times after Kiss concerts also. I think it is a fallacy that guitar players and drummers are damaging bass players. The damage happens when vibration causes the little hair like things to lay down in your in your ears.Since I like to feel my pants legs moving standing in front of my SVT probably did it to myself. However, high blood pressure can cause it too. Just sucks when someone is trying to put the move on you and you keep saying huh.

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