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Necks / pick ups
I own 5 basses. A Duff J/P, Sting Ray. Aerodyne J. Epi T-bird and a Fender Std J.
Is it me or is the T-Bird the fastest neck out here ? its neck seems thinner faster and easier to play than all my other basses combined. Anyone else feel this way ? I have played a Gibson T-Bird on many occasions and its neck is identical . My Aerodyne would be the net quickest. I have a feeling I have a lot of $ sitting here that would be better spent on two more T -Birds
On another note. Anyone ever up grade the p/u on an Epi T-bird ?
For me it's the other way round. Necks often are too thin. So a baseball bat sized P-Bass neck with a satin or oil finish is the fastest for me. Glossy finishes slow me down, so I sand those down.
@Thunderbass I know a guy like that slapper plucker. Loves P basses But when he does hard rock or punk sets he uses one of those Simon Gallup basses which has a very similar neck Sub Bass or something like that . I guess its individual preference I just noticed I reach for that T bird because I can shred on it better than my other basses and even if I was to pick up a Gibson T bird same results .
@Thunderbass I know a guy like that slapper plucker. Loves P basses But when he does hard rock or punk sets he uses one of those Simon Gallup basses which has a very similar neck Sub Bass or something like that . I guess its individual preference I just noticed I reach for that T bird because I can shred on it better than my other basses and even if I was to pick up a Gibson T bird same results .
Oops, I mainly play Punk Rock and Metal.

Just watch the “Show your videos on YouTube” thread.
Like I said I guess it personal preference . P bass is heavy and slows me down
I'd say the Stingray has the chunkiest neck out of the whole bunch, I have one, it's an unwieldy animal but well worth the effort, it's also the best for slapping, just ask Flea, Bernard Edwards and Louis Johnson. I've never been a fan of Gibson basses (Epiphone make cheap Gibsons), but the general consensus on this website has the Epi Thunderbird out in front in popularity but I don't play them for the same reason I don't drive a 57 Chevvy Bel Air…the hideous looks. By the way Chopps, have you tried a Jazz bass, the neck tapers heavily towards the nut.
@Marko 1960 My Aerodyne is a J and its my 2 nd favoite . I went to GC here in Manhattan today and played an ES-335 and a 71 American J. The 335 fit like a glove very nice neck fast and unique tones. The 71 J felt exactly like my 2014 Areodyne with one exception. The 71 J bass was magical so I bought it. Sunburst the p/u cover and ash trey are new not original. I guess I dont have to tell you about the tone. Your hair stands straight up
Nice one Chopps, I'm jealous lol, you'll take the covers off after about ten minutes and put them in the bin!
@Marko1960 10 minutes ? How about 10 seconds. Talk about being in the way.. This thing sounds awesome. My first ‘vintage’ bass and now I see what guys are talking about when they talk about vintage Fender J's. This is like a whole new world of tones..
I'm all about vintage, my dream bass is a 76-77 MusicMan Stingray. You should try it through a vintage valve amp, a 60s Fender Bassman for instance
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