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Quickly oiling the finger board with the strings on

ThunderBassist Jay
Posts: 1105
Posts: 534
Nice trick, Jay. Thanks for sharing!
Posts: 27
With apologies to the OP, you should never, ever put that stuff on your fretboard.

Ask yourself this: Have you ever heard Fender or *any* major guitarist/bassist or well-known seller of vintage instruments ever suggest this is a good idea? Me neither. If guitars/basses needed it, those priceless 50s Les Pauls and Teles/Strats would be getting it regularly and you'd hear horror stories about old guitars that were ruined because no one put Pledge on the fretboard regularly. Dead wood cannot be thirsty any more than it needs to breathe. There are guitars from the 19th century that have never had anything like that applied, and they are still fine. They don't need it, and neither does your instrument.
Posts: 809
From what I understand an ebony fretboard like Jays should be oiled and maple fretboard should be left alone as it's naturally oily

My precision has got so much gunk and muck on it from drinking and sweating whilst playing it's practical oozing,cleaning guitars isn't very punk rock imo

From the Gibson website

“If you notice that your fretboard has dried out or developed hairline cracks, you may finish this process with Gibson’s Luthier’s Choice Fretboard Conditioner. Alternately, you can rub one or two drops of oil (mineral, almond or linseed oil) into the fretboard to condition it. Make sure to wipe off excess oil with a soft, dry rag”
In the first 20 seconds I explain the purpose of the oil, namely cleaning the fretboard. My son's guitars get very gunky over time. One can't get those sticky fretboards clean by just wiping with a dry cloth. My logical choice is a natural oil that dissolves the dirt, so it can be wiped off. Only very little oil remains on the rosewood. Whether oil is required for the rosewood remains a question. Gibson says “yes”. Some others mention wax. The other way round, it certainly doesn't hurt.
Posts: 809
It used to be a Chris Aiken signature model ( never heard of him )

I've changed a few bits and added some bacteria or two,its pretty yucky

It used to be a Chris Aiken signature model ( never heard of him )I've changed a few bits and added some bacteria or two,its pretty yucky
Do you like it yucky?
Posts: 809
Quote: Do you like it yucky?

That's sounds like a bit of a loaded question but yeah I guess so

Actually fretboard is pretty clean and I've just restrung it today ,trying out some GHS Boomers for the first time

Guess I'm digging the natural roadkill look
Quote: Quote: Do you like it yucky? That's sounds like a bit of a loaded question but yeah I guess soActually fretboard is pretty clean and I've just restrung it today ,trying out some GHS Boomers for the first timeGuess I'm digging the natural roadkill look
No, I really didn't mean to ask a loaded question. I tried to be funny.
Posts: 809
Quote: Quote: Quote: No, I really didn't mean to ask a loaded question. I tried to be funny.

And it was ,I'm just a dirty old rotter on all accounts :-p
Posts: 1103
Tony Franklin oils his Fender fretboards pretty regularly.

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