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photo uploads

mr zee
Posts: 577
Does anyone know why photos can't be uploaded, been trying for the last few days n its not working
Posts: 3146
Me too, had a fortnight in Skegness and wanna share me snaps wi the lads!
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
johnny [staff]
Posts: 1023
We've changed the web server a couple of weeks back and there was a problem with uploading images, should be working well now (I fixed this two days ago).

Please try again - if it's still not working, let me know!
Posts: 3146
Nope, not a blind bit of difference
Posts: 3146

Unless you're signed in that is
Posts: 809

works ok from my pc but not from my android tablet,weird!
mr zee
Posts: 577
Will have another go tonight when I get home from work.
mr zee
Posts: 577

works ok from my pc but not from my android tablet,weird!

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