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Trouble writting tabs

Posts: 3146
Yeah, you'd eventually learn to speak Korean but not necessarily be able to write it, Paul is fluent as we know but he can't leave a note for the milkman
mr zee
Posts: 577
Bloody hell i'm still trying to speak the Queens english and I'm 59 in a couple of weeks
Posts: 3146
I don't know Mr Zee, the Queen often remarks, “Eee by eck, this black puddins reet tasty”

I overheard her saying it at a welly chuckin tournament

She came third

mr zee
Posts: 577
That's cos shees got big wellies, if she were wanging size 8s she miht have got 2nd
Posts: 3146
Aye, factor in the girlie throw with the Dunlop steel toe elevens and she's onto a non starter straight away, especially up against the likes of Bert ‘Biceps’ Postlethwaite
mr zee
Posts: 577
Their's also the phantom flan flinger from tiz waz but he couldn't adapt to the rubbery textured boot
Posts: 3146
Horses for courses, flans require a certain technique whereas wellies just need hoying
Posts: 3146
I used to hoy clemmies at the spuggies doon the Byker Wall when I was a bairn, but wellies man? only proper gadgies can hoy wellies
Posts: 3146
Divven gerrus wrang mind, ah can hoy wellies wi the best o them, but Geordie Pattison, why he could hoy a size 15 ower the Tyne from Walker to Gatesheed withoot breaking a sweat man, an he only had biceps like sparras kneecaps, technique ye see
Posts: 1103
Exactly what English are we speaking right now?

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